Thursday, January 7, 2010


Twenty Six Years together. When you start this journey, no one really tells you what Year #26 is going to be like. So I will. To make a long story short, I'll simply highlight today's anniversary activities. (no is G rated)

I woke up early to the scraping of the frozen car windshield since high school kids are the last in line and have to keep their cars outside of the garage. Regardless, the garage door is broken, so all cars in the household (2) are currently gathering much snow and ice outside of the cozy garage. Activity #1: Call the garage door repair man. Activity #2: reschedule life around garage door repair man. Rapid Activity #3: make list of errands and execute them in a timely fashion. Overdue library books returned. Overdue mailings mailed. Joann Fabrics for rest of the T-Shirt quilt backing (overdue). Lowe's for dust mask to avoid asthma attack while cleaning. Activity #4: eat salad. Too many cookies over the holidays. Activity #5: greet garage door repairman, walk him through the house in his snowy boots and find out that he needs to return tomorrow with the correct parts.

I can feel your anticipation as you read... your desire to also enjoy SUCH a delightful anniversary when you reach #26!

Activity #6: begin cleaning horrible dusty, long overdue for a cleaning master bath. Included rinsing off greenery, scrubbing sink, moving very dusty things, etc... Yesterday I started the week long de-soap scumming of the shower. Activity #7: snowy walk with BFF. Lovely, actually. Activity #8: Get quick phone call from hubbie who is with clients in a really fabulous resort lodge two states away. Intermittent phone reception. Him: eager to take his weary "I just lost my mom four days ago" self to bed. Me: trying hard to listen with my hearing disability. A couple of "I love yous" and "Your e-card made me smile" and "Wish you were heres".

Activity #9: Make corn bread (always from scratch, always from the More with Less cookbook, page 70) and share left over soup with teen son. Find some chocolate from the Christmas stash. Eat that too.

Activity #10: spend time on Facebook sharing silly status reports with friends like "Black, Pink, White with Lace, Purple, etc..." Activity #11: update blog to fill people in our the YEAR OF AMOUR 26.

I might trade today. I wouldn't trade Dave.


  1. Loved this post, Andi. So real and sweet at the same time. Isn't that just how life goes? Isn't that how most of marriage is lived out?The sweetness comes out of the day-to-day usually. (Not that the big, romanatic stuff doesn't help!!) Happy reuniting in a day or so, Shannon

  2. Your photo collage made me realize that we have few photos of the two of us (Fred and I, that is) together. That will be remedied over the coming year, now that I'm aware. Thanks for the inspiration ... as usual!

    Glad Dave is home.
    Kathy J

  3. I love you momma I miss you andDaddy
